styczeń 2025, czwartek
IMIENINY: lldefonsa, Rajmunda

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Już jest! Nowe wydanie biuletynu samorządowego.

Gazeta kobierzyce - wydanie Grudzień 2014
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About Kobierzyce

  • Fot. Michał Mirowski

Kobierzyce Commune is located on the south-west of Poland in Lower Silesia in Wroclaw Poviat in the neighbor of Wrocław what is region’s capital. According to its location with other neighbor communes as Siechnice, Żórawina, Borów, Jordanów Śląski, Sobótka and Kąty Wrocławskie creates Wroclaw Metropolitan Area (wrOM) and Wroclaw Functional Area (WrOF).

Total area of Kobierzyce Commune takes 149,3 km2 what includes 32 villages with 22 154 inhabitants. In Kobierzyce commune strong ties with Wrocław are visible, especially on its north part. It is conditioned by spatial accessibility as well as interest in these areas. Over time, the spatial expansion of Wrocław grows, and new suburban areas, such a

Kobierzyce commune, begin to be occupied by new residents, so it leads to the dynamic development of the commune in all aspects, especially in the field of infrastructure. Kobierzyce commune has mainly rural character – the rural land use are more common than in other parts of region and even the country. In Kobierzyce commune 79,1 % of land has higher level of soil on II and III level. According to its rich natural resources Kobierzyce is also a perfect place for rest and recreation.

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Projekt „Wdrożenia standardów obsługi inwestora w samorządzie województwa dolnośląskiego”